A woman wading into the ocean holding an umbrella.

Trauma Healing

Seeking relief from family of origin, relational, or other life trauma? If you have wondered if trauma resolution is possible, the answer is, “yes!” The road to recovery begins with understanding the legacy of trauma and ends with restoring your capacity for joy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Work With Trauma?

Our team is trained in the use of multiple trauma treatments, Our training includes:

We use a flexible blend of these techniques to meet your unique trauma and relationship profile needs. To learn more about trauma healing, contact us.

What is Big T Trauma?

Big T trauma results from experiencing life threatening events, or events that alter our life as we know it. The traumatic stressor is typically acute and intense and would be considered traumatic by most people. Big T traumas involve a sense of helplessness, overwhelm, or intense fear resulting in ongoing PTSD. This includes categories such as natural disasters, combat, domestic violence, or serious accidents. Also see What is Trauma?

What is Little t Trauma?

Little t traumas involve events that are less intense and may not been seen as trauma by others, and often are not considered traumatic by the person experiencing it. Little t traumas are repetitive experiences that accumulate over time, cause significant distress, and leave a lasting negative impact on the way we respond to others and the world. The biggest impact may be in our beliefs about ourselves. Prolonged exposure to chronic little t trauma can have a stronger impact than a single Big T trauma. Also see What is Trauma?

What is Complex – Posttraumatic Stress Disorder?

C-PTSD is a more global pattern of trauma than Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Those dealing with C-PTSD experience classic PTSD symptoms but additionally suffer from an imbalance in multiple spheres of functioning: relational disturbance, emotional dysregulation, altered attention and consciousness, altered belief systems, and somatic disturbance.

C-PTSD can have roots in childhood developmental trauma or the legacy of family of origin wounds. It can also occur as a result of our experiences in adult relationships.

What is Relational or Betrayal Trauma?

C-PTSD most often results from relational trauma, also referred to as attachment trauma or betrayal trauma. C-PTSD can involve either Big T or Little t trauma that occurred within the context of a relationship and is now triggered by the interactions you have in your current relationships. Relational trauma that is very intense and occurs for long periods, or began in childhood, has a bigger impact and sets the stage for life struggles with depression, anxiety, stress, relationship and marriage problems, and even medical problems.

Also see Discovery Trauma

What is the Mind-Body Connection in Trauma?

It was once believed that our emotions were associated with specific locations in our brain, primarily the amygdala, hippocampus, and hypothalamus. We now know that emotions, and therefore emotional pain, are also held in our bodies and connect to the emotional centers of the brain via vast, interrelated neural networks. When it comes to trauma, the body keeps score.

While more traditional therapy will be important in helping you change the unhealthy habits you may have developed in relationships because of the impact of trauma, talk therapy alone is generally unable to allow you to access trauma that is stored in your body and the more primitive areas of your nervous system. Since the body bears the burden of trauma, the body needs to be a part of trauma healing. Thus, therapies that integrate the natural healing power of your brain and body, such as EMDR, Somatic Experiencing®, Brainspotting, movement therapies, and the Safe and Sound Protocol can be powerful tools in your trauma recovery.

What is Post Induction Therapy?

Our team integrates the groundbreaking developmental model of Pia Mellody as a foundation for trauma healing. Pia is a pioneer in the recovery field and an internationally recognized expert on trauma, addiction, codependency, and relational trauma.

Trauma, especially trauma that occurred in childhood relationships, often sets the stage for attachment style and patterns in adult relationships. Post-Induction therapy focuses on identifying the five core symptoms that result from developmental and relationship trauma:

  • Problems with self-worth
  • Difficulty establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries
  • Blindspots in staying connected to yourself and aspects of your reality - thoughts, feelings, sensations, and behaviors
  • Difficulty discerning and fulfilling your needs and wants
  • Issues with moderation

PIT therapy targets reducing the unresolved shame associated with your trauma and incorporating new relational skills to heal the core symptoms and create greater balance in your life.

Team member Janice Caudill is PIT trained.

What is Cognitive Processing-Informed Therapy?

Cognitive Processing Therapy, or CPT, is a cognitive-behavioral therapy (treatment that focuses on thoughts and feelings) for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, and related conditions. It is an evidence-based treatment for trauma, with a very strong research base backing its effectiveness.

CPT consists of 12 highly structured sessions, though many clients will not need that many. The treatment is done in sessions at a minimum of every week but can be done twice a week, or even in a 5-day intensive.

CPT is a “top-down” treatment. In other words, you do not have to talk about the trauma experience. Instead, the focus is on the effect the trauma has had on you. CPT is a good fit if you respond better to a structured format and clear organization for sessions.

Team members Janice Caudill and Laura Fletcher are CPT trained.