A path through a forest with the sunlight breaking through

Brainspotting Therapy for Unresolved Trauma

Brainspotting (BSP) is a relatively new, alternative method for processing trauma that focuses on spots, or locations, in the visual field and the corresponding ‘spots’ in the subcortical brain. It is considered a relatively more rapid method than traditional options and can easily be incorporated into sessions with little preparation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Brainspotting Session Like?

Professionals trained in Brainspotting work with a client’s fixed eye gaze patterns that are linked to specific “brainspots” associated with such things as traumatic memories. BSP can be seamlessly integrated into therapeutic sessions to address Big T and little t trauma. It can also be used to identify and address hidden wounds that trigger addiction.

Like EMDR and Somatic Experiencing, BSP accesses the mind-body connection but does so by using the visual field-brainspot association to unlock trauma in the deepest parts of the brain, the subcortex, and brainstem. BSP can be used to relieve a variety of emotional and physical symptoms.

Is Brainspotting an evidence-based therapy?

The simple answer is not yet. However, the limited research that has been conducted to date is promising for eventual designation of evidenced based treatment.

Can Brainspotting be used in intensive treatment formats?

Yes. BSP is easily integrated into intensive formats.

Can Only Licensed Professionals Become Brainspotting Practitioners?

Coaches and non-licensed professional can practice Brainspotting.