Betrayal Trauma Recovery
Shattered by Betrayal? Deceived by someone you thought you could trust?
If you have just discovered your spouse’s infidelity, sexually inappropriate behavior, and intimate deception, you may be experiencing partner betrayal trauma. Whether you are still in initial shock or reality has already set in and you’re trying to figure out how to put your life back together, know that betrayal trauma therapy can provide the help and hope you need after betrayal. Start your betrayal trauma recovery today!
Well-worn recovery road warrior and ready to go deeper? Time to focus on finding yourself, restoring your intuition, boundarifying yourself, using your empowered voice? Work with a team who have walked that path ahead of you.
Road Warriors
You have been on the recovery journey long enough to know that it will be neither short nor easy. You have accepted that this experience has changed you, but are determined that you will not let the pain you feel today define you.
You have accepted that there are no assurances that your loved one will do the work for the deep recovery changes that you know are needed, nor that the gains will be maintained once made.
You have decided you want a deeper recovery, regardless of your betrayer's actions. You realize you are on a higher journey to find the pieces of yourself that you thought were destroyed, claim your voice, and discover who you are now. You are on a treasure hunt, and the treasure you are going to recover is you.

What do you pack for the journey?
If you don’t have it now, don’t worry. What you don’t have at the beginning, you develop along the way. Intensive Recovery Healing offers individual and couples counseling, women's empowerment groups, and 3, 4, and 5 day intensives.
Your battle plan?
- Grit
- Tenacity
- Boundaries
- Courage
- Vulnerability
- Vision
- Worthiness
- Faith
- Integrity
- Values
- Travelors on the road with me
Inspiration for the journey:
And Still I Rise
You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.
~ Maya Angelou