People in a room engaging in a workshop

Recovery Workshops

Learn, connect, share, grow at a recovery workshop.

A woman whose hair is a bunch of flowers

Online Somatic Healing Q&A

with Dr. Janice Caudill and Linda Franke


  • How the body bears the burden of betrayal trauma.
  • How the body is important in trauma healing.
  • How you can incorporate somatic techniques in your own healing.
  • How to develop a feeling of inner safety.

Thursday February 27th

11:00 AM CST


6-Week Online Somatic Healing Workshop

A silhouette of a woman.

Thursdays starting in March

10:00-11:30 AM CST

Join a community of women as you cultivate a sense of inner safety, embodiment, and restoration using somatic healing principles.

Experience a deeper connection with yourself, your mind, body, heart and soul. Awaken your intuition and harness the wisdom of the body in in developing boundaries that arise from your gut brain.

Participants are encouraged to use the Somatic Healing Workgroup to supplement ongoing therapy efforts. A free 20-minute consultation with the workshop leader is available for those who wish. You can also attend the Somatic Healing Q&A on February 27th @ 11:00 CST to learn more.

This psychoeducational workshop is an applied workgroup for women who have experienced betrayal. Learn how to manage and calm and soothe your nervous system using polyvagal-informed, somatic tools from an advanced Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. It is designed to complement on-going therapy or coaching.

Somatic Healing Benefits

Helps you understand the nature of shock and attachment trauma and how betrayal has impacted you.

Provides practical tools for regulation and coaching on how to use them.

Uses an experiential format so you practice using somatic healing techniques as part of the workshop.

Creates a somatic healing community of support for learning through the body.

Increase knowledge of life-long healing practices for betrayal recovery, and beyond.

90 minute sessions.

$420 for 6-Weeks.

Led by betrayal trauma specialist, CSAT Candidate, and somatic healing coach Linda Franke

Restoring Truth Through Disclosure

Colorful collection of woman's outlines

Online Friday May 3rd

3:00 PM CST


Q&A with Dr Janice Caudill and Dan Drake


  • How restoring truth through disclosure helps your personal and relational recovery
  • What attachment has to do with disclosure
  • How to create safety in disclosure
  • How to create safety as a benefit of disclosure

Help.Her.Heal Groups are shown in the Help.Her.Heal tab under the Events menu.