Thursday, March 6th
12:00 - 2:00 CST
$50 per supervision hour for a total of $100
Friday, March 14th
1:00 - 3:00 CST
$50 per supervision hour for a total of $100
Thursday, March 27th
12:00 - 2:00 CST
$50 per supervision hour for a total of $100
Thursday, April 10th
12:00 - 2:00 CST
$50 per supervision hour for a total of $100
Friday, May 9th
12:00 - 2:00 CST
$50 per supervision hour for a total of $100
Friday, March 21st
12:00 CST
Friday, March 21st
3:00 CST
Disclosure Theme Only
Friday, March 14th
1:00 - 3:00 CST
$50 per supervision hour for a total of $100
Friday, May 9th
12:00 - 2:00 CST
$50 per supervision hour for a total of $100
Friday, March 21st
12:00 CST
March 21st
3:00 CST
Janice currently offers consultation & supervision for the IITAP, APSATS, Kintsugi Recovery Partners - Disclosure Guides, and Somatic Experiencing communities for the following certifications:
Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT)
Certified Clinical Partner Specialist (CCPS)
Certified Partner Trauma Therapist (CPTT)
Certified Partner Coach (CPC)
Certified Clinical Disclosure Guide (CCDG)
Certified Disclosure Guide Coach (CDGC)
Renewal consultation credit for APSATS re-certification for clinicians and coaches
Somatic Experiencing Personal Sessions at the Beginning and Intermediate levels toward the SEP
I require at least one solo individual session to review goodness of fit, review your CV and professional background, and establish supervision and personal development goals.
Individual Sessions: Use the Contact Janice below to request an individual session (or a shared individual session for IITAP, APSATS, or Disclosure Guide candidates).
Group Sessions: I offer theme-based group supervisions, which combine traditional supervision with an additional focus on specialty recovery themes. The groups include a resource share among participants.
You can check out the Next Supervision Consultation Group section above. Groups typically occur once to twice a month, often on Thursdays from 12:00 – 2:00 pm CST.
For candidates who contact me about participating in their first group, once you have completed the the appropriate consultation agreement paperwork, you will be charged and your registration is automatically confirmed. Should you delay in completing this process, I will inform you if the spot is no longer available.
You must contact me via email to make a specific request for each group you want to attend. These spots go fast so check the Upcoming Groups section frequently.
You can also Contact Janice and request to set up a group consultation around a special interest of your choice at an alternate time.
For IITAP candidates (CSAT or CPTT):
This will allow me to rapidly cross-check my records and then complete those forms for you. If I am your primary, cc all other consulting ‘supervisors’ asking them to confirm your spreadsheet and send me the nonprimary forms. If I am a nonprimary, cc me on the email to your primary and ask me to send the appropriate paperwork to your primary.
For APSATS candidates:
For Disclosure Guide candidates:
A Framework for Understanding How to Use Testing
Using Testing Feedback to Break Through Denial
The Full Disclosure Process
Boundaries, Behavior, and Accountability
Embodied Boundaries
Value-Driven Boundaries
Emotional Abuse and Boundary Implications
Psychological Abuse and Manipulation
Intimacy Anorexia
Dealing with Trauma Triggers
Trigger Busting
Incorporating Shame Resiliency in Recovery
Working with the Nervous System and Somatic Interventions
Integrating Polyvagal Theory in Trauma Recovery
The Partner Impact Statement as a Vehicle for Empowerment
Sensual and Sexual Healing
Posttraumatic Growth in Recovery
Developing Intensives as a Business Practice
Annual Designing Your Own Intensive Workshop – this is a project workshop that can qualify for credit if fully participate and integrate the model from the organization you are seeking credit for.
Yes! Coaching candidates can receive up to 10 hours of supervision consultation with me. Certified coaches can also use specialty-themed supervision for renewal credit.
Specialty-themed supervision groups can count toward renewal credit for clinicians and clinicians who are already certified if the group includes a specific focus with a psychoeducational component. This requires that you actively participate in answering a brief pre-group survey of your needs and participate in group discussions. You will receive a handout and group resource exchange.
The next scheduled Restoring Truth Disclosure Guide training is October 25-27, 2024. Information about the training is at the bottom of this page. It can also be found at Kintsugi Recovery Partners.
The application for candidacy and oversight of certification is administered by Kintsugi Recovery Partners. You can find information at Certification - Kintsugi Recovery Partners.
Complete the Restoring Truth Model Disclosure Guide application and confirm you have been approved for candidacy Once approved, use the Contact Janice to request a session or group. Please specify if you are inquiring about solo individual, dyad individual, or group mentor sessions.
Professional Training
Next Training Dates: October 25-27, 2024
Format: Online
Professional partner betrayal trauma-sensitive, polyvagal-informed, and relationship-nurturing approach to restoring truth through the Full Disclosure process. The training can be a stand-alone training or can be used toward becoming a Certified Clinical Disclosure Guide or Certified Disclosure Guide Coach for those who meet the criteria.
The Restoring Truth Model (RTM) utilizes the disclosure preparation in his and hers companion series: Full Disclosure: Seeking Truth After Sexual Betrayal and Full Disclosure: How to Share the Truth After Sexual Betrayal.
This highly experiential training teaches the theoretical model the process is based on and trauma healing infrastructure that explains the hows and whys that underlie it. Once you have completed the training, you may list yourself on the Find a Disclosure Guide resource for clients looking for guides trained in the RTM process.
For more information, please go to
Fill out this form, and we’ll send you the first chapter from Dr. Caudill’s his and hers preparing for Full Disclosure workbooks, FREE!