Man and woman having a picnic overlooking a mountain range

Relationship & Marriage Counseling

Has your relationship been damaged by secrets, sexual betrayal, emotional distance, or unresolved family of origin issues that subconsciously get played out in your marriage?

Trapped in the same old cycles and need help getting unstuck? Let our couples counselors help you find your way back to each other.

Our team specializes in helping restore truth, cultivate emotional safety, and rebuild trust after emotional or sexual betrayal. We offer intensive hope for your relationship recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

I just discovered my spouse’s betrayal and don’t feel emotionally safe enough to give my trust yet.

Our counselors understand that trust has to be earned, especially if betrayal has been accompanied by lies, deception, and gaslighting. We know that trust can’t be rebuilt if safety is absent. Forgiveness, emotional vulnerability, and intimacy may not only be difficult; they might not be wise if prematurely given.

Will my couples counselor expect me to work on forgiving and working on intimacy anyway?

Our counselors know that safety comes first and the foundation for safety is truth. Early work will focus on clarifying truth, establishing safety, and helping you to develop a recovery plan for each of you and your relationship. Repairing a home damaged by a wrecking ball starts with putting scaffolding up around the structure to prevent the building from crumbling before worrying about decorating the rooms. Similarly, the early phases of healing start with scaffolding the structure of you relationship before deeper healing can occur.

What do couples sessions look like in the early phases after discovery of infidelity or sexual addiction?

Think of the early counseling work in this type of couples counseling as managing a relationship disaster. The focus is on immediate safety, shoring up what needs scaffolding, making decisions about practical needs, negotiating boundaries about things such as communication, physical contact, disclosure of acting out history, and recovery activities. It is dealing with damage control, managing emotions, and understanding the impact of betrayal on the partner, particularly if the betrayal is addiction related.

It is working to obtain sobriety and learning to deliver an important medicine for the relationship: empathy.

How Much Experience Does the Intensive Recovery Team Have with Couples Counseling for Betrayed Marriages?

Collectively, we have logged many miles walking couples through this process. We have also walked the path ourselves, just like you.

Can coaches work with couples as well?

Yes, coaching support for relationship healing is also available. Both trained counselors and coaches can use the Early Recovery Couples Empathy Model.