A man and a woman looking at a laptop display.

Intensive Recovery Coaching

Welcome to Intensive Recovery Coaching. Our partner betrayal and problematic sexual behavior coaches work with our licensed team to provide wrap-around services and 360° support, offering Betrayal Trauma-Informed Coaching through all phases of your healing.

Unleash Your Full Potential with a Betrayal Trauma-Informed Life Coach

Life is a journey filled with twists, turns, challenges, and triumphs. Navigating this path can be both exhilarating and daunting. A life coach is your dedicated companion on this expedition, offering invaluable support, guidance, and empowerment to help you achieve your fullest potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Coaching Services Do You Offer?

Intensive Recovery Healing offers tailored services for your unique journey:

  • 1:1 Coaching: Personalized sessions focusing on your specific goals, challenges, and growth opportunities.
  • Group Coaching: Experience the power of collective support and shared insights in a group setting.
  • Intensive Sessions: Dive deep into transformative experiences with our intensive coaching sessions, designed for rapid progress.

How do I Explore Your Comprehensive Packages?

  • Starter Package: 1:1 Coaching: Perfect for those looking to dip their toes into coaching.
  • Progression Package: Tailored sessions to guide you through steady growth and development.
  • Transformational Package: Intensive support for profound change and lasting transformation.

What is Betrayal Trauma-Informed Coaching?

Betrayal Trauma-Informed Coaching is an approach to coaching that recognizes and addresses the impact of trauma and betrayal on an individual's life. This coaching methodology is grounded in an understanding of the prevalence of trauma and the potential effects it may have on a person's well-being, behavior, and ability to achieve their goals.

The primary goal of Betrayal Trauma-Informed Coaching is to create a safe and supportive space for clients, taking into account the potential presence of past traumatic experiences and realities of the current relationship status. Betrayal Trauma-Informed Coaching also holds an awareness of potential co-occurring intimacy anorexia and the additional needs of the individual and coupleship that entails.

Our coaches have advanced training in working from a betrayal trauma-informed approach and understand the unique wounds that occur in association with problematic sexual behavior. Our coaching team includes APSATS trained and certified specialists, certified Disclosure Guides, and Pastoral Sex Addiction Specialist. Our coaching team works in collaboration with our clinical trauma team.

What Do Key Principles and Characteristics of Betrayal Trauma-Informed Coaching Include?

Safety and Trust: Betrayal Trauma-Informed Coaches prioritize creating a safe and trusting environment for their clients, and understand that fostering safety is the starting point for healing and the driving force in a partner’s quest for truth. This involves establishing clear boundaries, ensuring confidentiality, and fostering a sense of security during coaching sessions.

Understanding Trauma: Coaches are educated and aware of the various forms of trauma and their potential impacts, with an in-depth understanding of partner betrayal. This includes recognizing that trauma is subjective, and individuals may respond differently to similar experiences.

Empowerment and Collaboration: Betrayal Trauma-Informed Coaching emphasizes collaboration and empowerment. Coaches work with clients to set goals, acknowledge strengths, and develop strategies for personal growth. The coaching relationship is built on mutual respect and shared decision-making.

Cultural Sensitivity: Betrayal Trauma-Informed Coaches are sensitive to cultural differences and diverse experiences of trauma. They recognize that cultural context plays a crucial role in shaping individual responses to trauma.

Non-Judgmental Approach: Coaches adopt a non-judgmental stance, understanding that individuals may engage in certain behaviors as coping mechanisms for trauma. The focus is on understanding and supporting rather than blaming or criticizing.

Mind-Body Connection: Betrayal Trauma-Informed Coaching acknowledges the interconnectedness of the mind and body. Coaches incorporate techniques that promote relaxation, mindfulness, and self-care to address both psychological and physiological aspects of trauma. We get that the body keeps score and understand the impact of long-term betrayal and complex trauma on the immune system and physical health.

Awareness of Triggers: Coaches are attuned to potential betrayal triggers that may arise during sessions and work collaboratively with clients to manage and navigate these triggers effectively.

Flexibility and Adaptability: Recognizing that each individual's journey is unique, Betrayal Trauma-Informed Coaches are flexible and adaptable in their coaching approach. They tailor their methods to meet the specific needs and comfort levels of each client.

Continuous Learning: Betrayal Trauma-Informed Coaches engage in ongoing education and self-reflection to deepen their understanding of trauma and refine their coaching skills. This commitment to continuous learning ensures coaches stay informed about emerging research and best practices. This commitment also includes continued awareness of shifts in the fields of problematic sexual behavior and sexual and pornography addiction.

Big Picture: Betrayal trauma-Informed Coaching is a compassionate and client-centered approach that acknowledges the impact of trauma on an individual's life. By integrating betrayal trauma-informed principles into betrayal and addiction recovery, coaches aim to facilitate healing, resilience, and empowerment for their clients in a supportive and understanding manner.

Takeaways: Betrayal Trauma-Informed Coaches know the ingredients for helping you find yourself again and use your voice: Truth, Safety, Trust, Empathy, Compassion, Boundaries, Empowerment.

How Can Coaching Help?

Clarity and Goal Setting: A life coach helps you articulate and visualize your aspirations, bringing clarity to your life's purpose and direction.

Strategic Goal Setting: Work collaboratively to set realistic and inspiring goals, breaking them down into actionable steps.

Continuous Learning: Betrayal Trauma-Informed Coaches engage in ongoing education and self-reflection to deepen their understanding of trauma and refine their coaching skills. This commitment to continuous learning ensures coaches stay informed about emerging research and best practices.

Accountability and Motivation: Consistent Support: Your life coach is a reliable source of encouragement, holding you accountable for the commitments you make towards your goals.

Motivational Boosts: During challenging times, a life coach provides the motivation needed to overcome obstacles and stay focused.

Personal Growth and Development: Self-Discovery: Explore your strengths, values, and passions, fostering a deeper understanding of yourself.

Skill Enhancement: Develop new skills and habits that contribute to your personal and professional growth.

Enhanced Confidence and Resilience: Overcome self-doubt and cultivate a strong sense of self-confidence through positive reinforcement and achievement.

Effective Decision-Making: Informed Choices: Receive guidance in making informed decisions aligned with your values and long-term vision.

Improved Communication and Relationships: Effective Communication: Enhance your communication skills, fostering healthier relationships both personally and professionally.

Conflict Resolution: Learn strategies to navigate conflicts and build stronger connections with others.

Celebrating Success: Acknowledging Achievements: A life coach helps you celebrate milestones, reinforcing the positive momentum you've built.

Reflection and Gratitude: Take time to reflect on your journey and express gratitude for the progress you've made.

Working with a life coach is an investment in yourself — a journey of self-discovery, growth, and fulfillment. Whether you're navigating a traumatic event, striving for personal development, or navigating life transitions, a life coach provides the tools and support needed to turn aspirations into reality. Embark on this transformative journey and unlock the extraordinary potential within you.

What are the Benefits of Collaboration Between Coaches and Counselors?

The Power of Collaboration for Your Well-being: In today's dynamic world, we understand that personal growth and well-being require a holistic approach. That's why our team is comprised of both skilled life coaches and experienced counselors working hand in hand.

At Intensive Recovery Healing, we believe in the synergy of coaching and counseling. While life coaches empower you to set and achieve goals, counselors provide valuable insights into emotional well-being. Together, they form a comprehensive support system tailored to meet your unique needs.

Can I Work with a Coach Without a Counselor? Yes. Sometimes you need to get started on your healing path at a place that doesn’t require the additional skills of a licensed counselor. Coaching can be a great place to begin, a starting point before transitioning to a different level of work with a counselor.

At other times, the higher-level work has been completed but you may want additional, ongoing support to help changes take hold and fully integrate into your life. Stepping down from counseling to coaching can be a helpful move.

What are the Advantages of Hiring a Life Coach vs. Counselor:

Choosing Your Path to Success and Well-being: Understanding the benefits each brings to your journey is important to choosing your path.

Life Coaching:

  • Goal-oriented approach for personal and professional development.
  • Empowerment to overcome obstacles and achieve your aspirations.
  • Actionable strategies for growth and positive change.
  • Focuses more on the future


  • Expert guidance in addressing emotional and psychological challenges.
  • Deep exploration of past experiences and emotional healing.
  • Tools to manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health concerns.
  • Counseling can focus on the past, present or future.

Practical Differences:

  • Coaching often affords more flexibility in types of communication technology and is more likely to offer services in package deals. Counselors tend to work in more traditional blocks of time and are limited to communicating via methods that meet confidentiality guidelines. communication and is more likely to offer services in package deals. Counselors tend to work in more traditional blocks of time.
  • As coaching is a self-regulated profession, our coaches are not limited by state or regional boundaries. You can choose to work with the coach of your choice regardless of their location, as long as mental health disorders are not present. Licensed professionals are regulated in the state and region granting the licensure; therefore, they are limited to working only with those who reside in the region they are licensed in but can work with those dealing with both life issues and mental disorders.
  • Licensed professionals are regulated in the state and region granting the licensure; therefore, they are limited in who they can work with.
  • Coaching cannot be covered by insurance; whereas, you can receive insurance reimbursement for licensed professionals who meet the conditions of your specific insurance plan

What are the Advantages of Hiring a Life Coach vs. Counselor?

Choosing Your Path to Success and Well-being: Understanding the benefits each brings to your journey is important to choosing your path.

Life Coaching:

  • Goal-oriented approach for personal and professional development.
  • Empowerment to overcome obstacles and achieve your aspirations.
  • Actionable strategies for growth and positive change.
  • Focuses more on the future


  • Expert guidance in addressing emotional and psychological challenges.
  • Deep exploration of past experiences and emotional healing.
  • Tools to manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health concerns.
  • Counseling can focus on the past, present or future.

Practical Differences:

  • Coaching often affords more flexibility in types of communication and is more likely to offer services in package deals. Counselors tend to work in more traditional blocks of time.
  • As coaching is a self-regulated profession, our coaches are not limited by state or regional boundaries. You can choose to work with the coach of your choice regardless of their location.
  • Licensed professionals are regulated in the state and region granting the licensure; therefore, they are limited in who they can work with.
  • Coaching cannot be covered by insurance; whereas, you can receive insurance reimbursement for licensed professionals who meet the conditions of your specific insurance plan

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